Sunday, August 23, 2009

Should I get a new dad jacket?

So, I am thinking about changing the name of this blog to Dad Jacket. You see, I think there should be something in a name. Not that Six Square is totally without meaning. In my mind, I like the idea of having four children. Four - a square number. With two parents, that makes six. And whether or not we get there is really anyone's guess, but maybe it will serve as a small reminder of what -- at one point in my life -- sounded like a nice idea. That, and the fact that the number six squared equals 36, the age at which I will have a much better idea than I do now of whether our family will reach this size.

That said, I can't help but like the jacket metaphor, somewhat akin to being a man of many hats, except that one only has a few jackets. Just like you have your favourite jacket that -- depending on whether or not you are into fashion -- says alot about you, is perfect for any occasion etc. You know, in the spirit of children adding to your identity. Plus, the Blogfather was already taken.

Or if the fashion metaphor disagrees with you please feel free to think of it as a book jacket. Which, at first blush it may be slightly more apt if you think of the role of the modern parent as being one of holding the chapters of a child's life together. But perhaps most of all. I think Dad Jacket is catchy.

Oh... and the word jacket will probably make me chuckle for the rest of my life, or more precisely, when it's pronounced yacket. You know, like they say in Sweden. Well maybe you don't and I mean no disrespect. But its really only funny because most Swedes speak English better than many North Americans. But every now and again while living in Sweden I would here someone drop a "y" in place of a "j". Like I am so yealous of your yogging yacket.

All of which is to say, I need your help. New dad jacket? I can't decide. So please let me know, with comments, or emails or on the facebook. Whichever you prefer. I hope you enyoy thinking about it.


  1. OK - I'm down with the name change...not that I don't like the current name, but it is not discriptive enough....people might be searching for daddy-o bloggers and they wouldn't necessarily find you. So, I'm thinking you're on the right track. I like Dad Jacket OK, but I've got thinking cap on....

  2. don't fuck up my rss feed. 6 square it is.

  3. I'm actually enjoying thinking about it...mmm seems your in a bit of a temporary pickle...could you use the word 'pickle' in there somewhere?

    If not then i looks like i may have been of very little help. all the best to team AAA though.

  4. SBP weighing in... (donning the jacket?)

    I like the dad jacket. In fact, I wear it.

    I'll want to see a pick and get a description on your actual dad jacket. The one that does it all, but that you never wore before you were a dad. The one that helps you pull off dangerous "alpine style" missions. The one with previously chewed vegetable goo down the front, but still looks hot.

    btw, did the straight-jacket metaphor ever cross your mind?
